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Our mission is to show the way with a state-of-the-art resource recovery facility that provides many environmental, social and economic benefits.


Pride and Cleanliness

For us, a clean workplace is non-negotiable. It manages risk during operation, avoids slipping and tripping, but also manages product quality for meal and tallow, which our customers here and aboard value, and Authorities such as Department of Agriculture (DAFF) command to mitigate biosecurity risk.


We take a food grade philosophy to oil and protein extraction, it's a non-compromising value engrained into the Failli fabric at Westside Meats.

If there’s a spill or a cobweb, it is rectified immediately!

Time and Performance

A delay or pause in operations obviously costs money for any business, including PP&T. At PP&T, we focus on saving time both on-site, to lower production costs, and off-site, by optimizing upstream and downstream processes. We aim to ensure that our raw materials are delivered and processed swiftly to enhance product quality, and that our outputs (oil and protein meal) reach their markets as quickly as possible.

Re-Use and Resource Optimisation

Everything has intrinsic value—effluent water, sludge, even steam. Where there’s sufficient environmental and economic logic, we reclaim every possible resource within our control, avoiding reliance on inputs or utilities that harm the environment. By assessing the carbon intensity of our activities, we ensure a deep understanding and focus on the environmental impacts of our processing decisions and investments in Parwan.


We understand that the suppliers and customers we rely on and serve don't appreciate surprises. Hygienic rendering is a dynamic industry, so having reliable partnerships is essential for mutually beneficial business relationships and for avoiding unforeseen environmental issues. We aspire to be a reliable strategic partner to a variety of stakeholders and authorities within the hygienic rendering ecosystem.

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